Monday, March 30, 2009

FIREPROOF "The Love Dare"

Kyle and I watched this movie Sunday night. Although the quality of this movie was not great (the acting was pretty awful actually), overall the movie was really good! The message was awesome and very inspiring. It's a movie about a young married couple on the brink of divorce. As this husband and wife are both at their wits end and about to call it quits, the husband's father challenges his son to a "love dare" that lasts 40 days. He gives him a journal with specific instructions on what to do each day. These "instructions" are all Biblical principals on how to treat your spouse and really just how to treat people in general by walking in love. The husband is not saved at the start of the movie and ends up surrendering his life to Christ about half way through this "love dare". I don't want to spoil the movie, but I think this is a great movie for everyone to watch. As I said before, it's certainly not oscar winning material, but it had me in tears by the end of the movie... I know I know, it doesn't take much to make me cry! Kyle got quite a kick out of looking over at me with mascara running down my face, as he often does when we watch movies together!! He enjoyed the movie as well and we both give it a two thumbs up for its uplifting message. Check it out the next time you're looking to have a movie night in, but to all you sensitive ladies out there.. make sure to keep some kleenexes handy!

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