Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Kick-Off: Friday Night Prayer!

Friday night prayer was awesome as usual! We had fun fellowship time with friends over pizza, praised God together through song, then had great conversation and powerful prayer time! We talked a lot about angels. There's a spiritual battle going on around us constantly... why is it that the demons in the world are so apparent, but no one seems to recognize the angels? So many of us believers walk around not knowing that we have access to angels through Jesus and we don't realize the authority we're given to defeat these demons. It's a dark world out there and Satan doesn't want us knowing the true authority we have over him through the blood of Jesus. Just as Satan has fallen angels who continually torment us and try to tempt us into sin, we also have angels on our side to fight this spiritual war with us! The important thing to know is that our angels are more powerful than Satan's!! When we pray all we have to do is ask for God to send these angels wherever we need them! Our angels will protect us, but they will also aid us in spiritual battles against the enemy. For instance, I've struggled with a demon of fear for a long time... I no longer deal with this because I know that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of power and of a sound mind, 2 Tim 1:7. However, there are still times when I feel fearful so all I have to do is ask that my angels surround me and protect me... they do protect me from harm, but not only are they protecting my physical body they are also aiding me in the spiritual battle by not allowing the demon of fear to torment me into feeling fearful!!
Here are just a few scriptures/stories that talk about angels: Hebrews 1:14, Matthew 4:1-11, Genesis 19, Daniel 6, Acts 12

I love this acronym for "pray" that was shared with us by a very wise man of God one evening...

P - persistence/perserverance

R - revelation

A - accessing angels*

Y - yield

These are all such key components for prayer. We certainly want to be persistent and seek revelation! We want to call upon angels to help us in our struggles and to protect us! Yielding is so essential too... just sitting back quietly, waiting on the Lord and listening for His voice rather than feeling like we always have to say something!

So, just remember... we are not alone in this world!
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11-12

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