Sunday, April 22, 2012

Skyler's 2nd Birthday Party!

Well dear family and friends, this blog is needing lots of attention and that's the reason I've continued to neglect it for the past year (or two)! Instead of posting a million pictures to catch everyone up (which is why I've neglected it, knowing that would take a lot of time I simply don't have!) I've now decided I'm just gonna start fresh, posting on what's happening now!!! Also, I'm gonna do my very best to not worry about perfection in the pictures I post and just post them as they are (for the most part) so you can see what's happening! This is a challenge for me, but one thing mommy'ing 2 under 2 has taught me is how to let go of perfectionism! ;) Perfectly imperfect is what we are and I've learned to love things so much more this way! So, here goes..........

Yesterday we celebrated our precious, wonderful, fun, energetic, joyful, beautiful, silly, hilarious Skyler Jean's 2nd birthday by throwing a PANCAKES and PAJAMAS birthday party! It was loads of fun and Skyler had a blast!!!!

 Skyler's pancake stack birthday cake! It's confetti cake!!!

 Mommy and Daddy during party prep!

cereal jewelry - fruit loops and yarn - fun!

 I know it's a pajama party, but the birthday girl HAD to wear a tutu (says her silly mom!) and baby sister couldn't be left out ;)

 our poor teething girl w/ her sweet, handsome Daddy
 and this is an example of how most family pictures go, one gnawing on her finger :( while the other has a mouth full of fruit loops!
 Daddy trying to keep one still (going for more fruit loops) while Mommy says "be still, I'll get them"

 here's my tiny teether again
 she needed to kick back and relax, all partied out!

these girls bring their momma SO MUCH JOY! My Lord loves me so by blessing me w/ these amazing gifts!

Well that's all for now as nap time has come to an end and I'm needed in the best kind of way. I love my Skyler Jean more than I ever imagined my heart could love, she is the joy of our lives, keeping us smiling and laughing always! She lights up our world! Thank you Father for your grace that allows us to steward your precious ones for this brief moment in the eternity you have called us to!
PS, stay tuned for many MANY more pictures of our lives... there's about to be a flooding on this blog, along w/ a much needed blog face lift!
Love, hugs and God's goodness to you all!!!!!!

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