Friday, July 23, 2010

The Best Day of My Life, Skyler's Birth Day!

April 25 2010

~ Skyler Jean Fadell ~
Not just any ol' Sunday...
Waking up that beautiful Sunday morning at 6:30am, I knew that I would meet my sweet baby girl that day. I felt very different on that day, and although my "due date" was one week prior (April 16th), Kyle and I both knew that April 25th would be exactly 40 weeks so we were anticipating it being Skyler's birthday :) God's timing is always perfect!
When I woke, I had some early signs of labor with irregular contractions. We stayed put, knowing that I would do most of my laboring at home before heading to the birth center. I started having more intense and regular contractions around 10:30am. Around 1:15pm, we felt it was time to go to the birth center so we (or Kyle, I should say) packed up the car and headed out the door. We arrived at the birth center around 2pm. I was dilated 9 1/2 cm when we arrived, so I hopped straight into the birthing tub, started pushing at 3:13pm and delivered my sweet Skyler Jean at 4:29pm! It was truly the most amazing experience! There are no words to describe the events of that day!
We received the supernatural childbirth experience we had been praying and believing for... short labor, comfortable contractions, non medicated, no complications, no tearing, etc. All the glory to our Father in Heaven!!! (I highly recommend the book "Supernatural Childbirth")
Kyle holding his little girl for the first time, although he did catch her when I delivered her, but she came straight to mommy after he caught her ;)Mommy & Baby herbal bath that Skyler & I took shortly after I delivered her...Skyler loved it!
I have to give praises to my AMAZING HUSBAND! He knew exactly what to say, how to say it, when to say it, what to do, how to do it, when to do it... shall I go on? ;) Seriously though, he was so involved and truly made our birthing experience what it was. He LITERALLY held my hand and encouraged me every step of the way! I guess I didn't expect him to retain quite so much from all the classes we took and books we read! In addition to that knowledge, I believe he was so in tuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit that he just knew what I needed and everything that needed to happen even before I knew. Praise Jesus for my wonderful husband who continues to amaze me every day!!
Daddy weighing Skyler, 8 lbs 10 oz, 19 inches

Daddy dressed Skyler and got her all ready to bring home. She got to spend her very first night in the world in her own home in Mommy and Daddy's bed. I loved that we were able to bring her home the same day she was born! It was a very special time for us to bond as a family :)
Can't leave out my amazing mid-wife and her wonderful team... how awesome to have the people who deliver your baby pray over you and with you during the entire process. To me, that says it all! They were absolutely incredible and had such servant hearts during the labor, delivery and post partum. I had complete confidence that Skyler and I were in good hands.
It truly was the most wonderful and exciting experience! I loved each and every moment of that day... yes, EVERY SINGLE MOMENT!!!! I would do it all over again in a heart beat! :)

I can't describe the emotion that overcame me the moment that I saw my beautiful, perfect baby and looked into her sweet, curious eyes for the first time. The only word that comes to my mind is LOVE.
The blessing and joy that she brings to my heart has awakened a new revelation in me of how deep the Father's love is for His children. If I love my little girl as deeply as I do, how much more does our Heavenly Father, the Creator of all of Heaven and Earth, love us? It is un-fathomable! I feel that my heart is full, and even overflowing for that matter, with love for my daughter. Now to think that the capacity of our hearts to love does not even come close in comparison to the capacity of Our Father's heart to love... like I said, un-fathomable how deep His love is for His children. How honored and fortunate we are to belong to Him. I pray that Skyler, along with every person on earth, will gain an understanding of how deeply Our Heavenly Father loves us and longs to bless us, protect us, guide us, prosper us and spend eternity with us!

Skyler is truly the most wonderful blessing and we are enjoying every moment of our new life with her! I've looked forward to motherhood for as long as I can remember, but never dreamed it would be this amazing!!


  1. Sara I never saw these pictures. How amazing! Gives me courage for my 4th journey!!!

  2. Wow! What an amazing testamony. Sara, God has given you the strength you needed because you fully trusted He would and had such an amazing husband who believed it too. I could read this over and over. God is soo amazing.
