Friday, April 16, 2010

Dear Blog... Please forgive me for neglecting you!

Family and Friends! How we miss you all!! Please forgive me for having placed our blog at the bottom of my to do list for the past several months... as you can see, I'm just now making it to the bottom of that list!! Considering that Miss Skyler Jean's due date is today... you can see what a procrastinator I truly am, but most of you already know this ;) It's been a busy few months with holidays, baby showers, work, travel, church, prayer nights, birthing classes, appointments, house painting, baby shopping and organizing this house... it's just called life, I know!

You all have heard by now that we are having a GIRL! We both felt pretty strongly that we were having a boy, so it was such a great surprise to hear that our first born is a precious little princess instead! Either way we would have been thrilled, of course, but both of our hearts changed so quickly in such an awesome way when we found out God's big surprise to bless us with a little girl as our first born!! What an honor it is to be trusted with His child that He designed with a specific purpose in mind! We are so ecstatic to meet this sweet angel! Which brings me to an update on how the pregnancy has been since my last post in November. I truly have been so amazingly blessed by how magical pregnancy is... sometimes this world makes pregnancy out to be such a chore, even a drag at times, but I honestly can't think of one complaint when matched up with all the beauty of it! It has been so wonderful!!
Our last appt. was on Wednesday and things are progressing very well, obviously I have not gone into labor yet though ;) My cervix is thinned out completely, just was not dilating at the time... however, our midwife, Ann, said that it seemed right on the verge of dilating. The great part is that Skyler's head was stationed at +1... the stations begin at -3, then -2, then -1, then 0, then +1, +2 and +3 would be considered "crowning"... so basically, you could touch Skyler's head, just not see it ;) I'm trying not to get too graphic for anyone who doesn't care to know this stuff, but I also know many of you who want to know! Being that she's already made her way so far down, pushing should be much easier on me so I was happy to hear that!! :)

Today, I'm still feeling wonderful and although I can't wait to meet Skyler, I really want things to happen when they're suppose to happen in His timing so I'm remaining patient and am confident in His plan for her arrival :)

Alright, I know you want to see pictures... (We've been meaning to get out and take some more professional looking maternity pictures for some time now and just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe if Skyler decides to wait a few more days, we'll get to take some on Sunday and I'll post some then... for now, this is all we have.)

These first three were taken just this past wknd, between 39-40 wks pregnant

Here is a hard working daddy painting his little princess's room...

and here is a little sneak preview of Skyler's room... I have one very talented husband! It's still a work in progress since she'll be rooming with mommy and daddy for a little while anyway, but it's almost finished! Daddy even picked out her bedding! :)

underneath her name it says "Angels Danced The Day You Were Born", hard to see in the picture though since it's white

This was on New Years Eve at approximately 6 months pregnant

Some of my favorite girls at our baby shower, March 22nd, which was so beautiful and perfect thanks to Cori and Lucy! (Cori is to the left of me, Lucy to the right of me, then Mandy and Jen) Mandy is due exactly 4 weeks after I am with a precious princess also, Vitoria Grace or "Tori"! Tori and Skyler are already BFF and it has been so much fun sharing in this experience with Mandy and her hubby, KJ. Lucy had just delivered her 3rd princess, Aaliyah, on February 19th! See next picture of her sweet angel!
Daniel and Lucy's sweet Aaliyah Molina, isn't she just perfect?!

Some of the men at the shower who were thrilled to be playing a baby shower game as you can see... ;) Our beautiful shower cake from Cori and Lucy... This is a diaper cake that my friend, Katie, made for us. She threw a joint couples shower for Daniel and Lucy, KJ and Mandy, and Kyle and me in January since we were all due to have our babies within a month or two of each other :) It was a gorgeous shower that I, somehow, don't seem to have any pictures from :(

My Omaha shower thrown by Grandma Fadell. She did such a beautiful job and it was absolutely perfect! We have the best family and friends who are such blessings to us!Aunt Summer and Aunt Sailor helping organize Skyler's gifts :)

Here are some "just for fun" pictures that were taken over the last few months...

Kyle & I at our friends' wedding vow renewal (March 6). Kenyon surprised Katie with a wedding to renew their vows for her 30th birthday. It was the most gorgeous & romantic wedding you could dream of!

KJ and Mandy (and Tori ;)

Here is the stunning bride and groom renewing their vows!

This is Chief on a Sunday afternoon playdate with Gabe and Cori's kiddos... these boys had tons of fun together :)

Our new car... we were having some problems with the jeep so we decided to sell it and upgrade to a larger SUV.

And here is another reason I haven't had much time for blogging lately...Think we're ready????

I have to say a huge thank you to all of our family and friends for your support and prayers during our pregnancy... you all have been so amazing to us and we appreciate each one of you and the way you have blessed our lives. We know that your prayers are being heard, which is why things have been so wonderful for us. A special thanks to all of our baby shower hosts and attendees as well for blessing us in such mighty ways! Skyler is beyond blessed already to have so many amazing, loving people welcoming her into this world!!!!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers and we will keep everyone posted as soon as Skyler Jean decides to make her big debut into this world!

Love to you all!

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