Monday, August 17, 2009

Big News in the Fadell House!!

Yes, you guessed it...
There's a BABY on the way!!!!!

We found out on Saturday and are completely overjoyed! God's timing is so perfect... we haven't been trying, but we had been praying for our family to start in His perfect timing. My desire to have a baby had been growing strong and Kyle also has been looking forward to starting our family, but we wanted to leave things in God's hands and allow Him to tell us when the time is right........... well, here we are!! Apparently, He thinks we're ready! We couldn't be more excited and thankful for this precious gift that God has blessed us with!

Saturday, while Kyle was at work, I decided to take a pregnancy test because I'd felt a little off from how I normally would feel at "this time of the month" being that I was 5 days late at the time among other things. When the test came out positive I couldn't believe my eyes and was in complete shock. I knew I had to take another test immediately just to be sure the first test wasn't faulty ;) So, of course, I took a second test shortly after only to see a positive again! Wow, what an amazing feeling that overcame me... I literally did not know what to do with myself, especially since Kyle wouldn't be home from work for another 4 or 5 hours and I was dying to share this with him!

Here is what Kyle came home to on Saturday....

Kyle's reaction couldn't have been any more comforting and perfect in that moment... He walked through the door, saw the kitchen table, looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said you're pregnant! Almost as if he'd already known... it was such a peaceful and joyful reaction that brought so much comfort to my heart. We prayed together to thank the Lord for this beautiful gift, asked Him to bless our child, and neither of us have stopped smiling since!

I'm seeing the Dr. tomorrow morning to have blood work done and confirm how far along we are. I'll also schedule our first check up where we get to have our first ultrasound!

We're guessing the Dr. will say we're about 5 weeks along, which means the baby will be born some time in mid-April :)

At this point, I'm not having any morning sickness. The main symptom for me is hunger and slight nausea. My body needs food every 2-3 hours or I feel as if I haven't eaten in days. I've felt a little light-headed and tired from time to time, but overall I feel great!!

We will keep everyone posted as we find out more. Right now, we just ask for your prayers. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and wisdom for Kyle and me to parent our child in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.

Thank you and we love you all!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you, Kyle, Milo and Chief!!! And yes my eyes are filled with joyful tears right now. I knew it would happen soon! I will keep you, Kyle and baby F in my prayers especially for the next 9 months. If you ever need ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, please know I am here. I love you guys and can not wait to see you!
    The Gotte 3
    BJ says "congrats" and "that's awesome!" HAHA!

    We prayed for this child and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him. – I Samuel 1:27

    This is on Keegan's wall...
    “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” – James 1:17
