Wednesday, August 26, 2009


We had our first Doctor's appointment yesterday!! They did a sonogram so we got to see the baby and see its little heart fluttering!!!! There's a heart-beat! So amazing!! This is starting to become very real and so unbelievably exciting!
We are 6 weeks and 5 days along and the baby's due date is April 16th!! I'll go back to the Dr. next week for another sonogram and will keep everyone posted. Ok, I won't hold out on you any longer... Here is baby Fadell's first photograph!! hehehehehe ;)

Please continue to keep us in your prayers, we are very grateful! Love and blessings to all!

1 comment:

  1. Love it Love it! It's so fun and exciting. God is amazing and you'll learn a whole new side of God during this journey and even more when the baby is born.
