Thursday, September 10, 2009

Baby Update

I last went to the Dr. on Thursday, Sept. 3rd... sorry I'm a little late on this post. Baby is still doing great! Tomorrow, we'll be 9 wks so at my last appointment we were 1 day shy of being 8 wks along. The baby was .98 cm or the size of a blueberry ;) This is double the size from the week prior and he/she's heart is still beating strong!!

My next appointment is this coming Tuesday, so I'll have more up to date info next week. I do know that baby should be nearing the size of a grape or large raspberry by now ;)

Here's last wk's sono

I'm still feeling wonderful overall, praise God! I've had more energy throughout the day recently and haven't been sick at all... I get the occasional icky feeling, but it could be much worse so I can't complain. I'm on a bit of an emotional roller coaster lately, but what else is new? I'm sensitive enough as it is, so the pregnancy has just intensified these emotions. I'm just thankful I have a husband who is extremely understanding and supportive no matter how much I wig out or cry at the drop of a hat... poor guy! The main thing I've noticed recently is my extreme indecisiveness on just about everything... I'm pretty much always hungry, but can never decide what to eat and once I do decide on something... I HAVE to get that something or I just don't want anything. I'm gonna say it... pregnancy does make us women a bit silly so I'm just praying for this pregnancy hormone silliness to stay under control as much as possible. Despite the indecisiveness... the one thing I do know is that we are so truly blessed, so all I can really feel right now is ever so grateful for this healthy growing baby!!!!

Sorry to have babbled on... tonight is the first NFL game of the season so I have a little extra time on my hands. Not to say that I'm not fully in tune to the game, of course.. wink wink!

I'll keep ya posted next week and I'll try to make it short and sweet... since I've bored you enough already!!

As always... Love to all and thank you for keeping us in your prayers, as you're also in ours!


1 comment:

  1. YEAH!!!!! I can see that he or she is upside down. That means there is a baby in your tum tum!!!!!! I'm so excited! Love you guys.
