Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lake Vacation and yes, another baby update!

On Tuesday, Kyle and I returned from our week long vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks! We had a wonderful time as usual. Gabe and Cori came along and we all had a blast together! We got lots of relaxation time, ate way too much yummy food, spent our days boating, and of course played several games of Pictionary!!
Here are some pics from the trip...
Miniature Golf

Our new boating shades ;)

The boys' cliff jumping escapades...

sporting our fancy new sunglasses

Horny Toad

the boys being goofs at Wobbly Boots where we watched the fights

This video was too hilarious to not post... sorry babes!! Enjoy... ;)

I married Kyle for his dancing skills, lol... and don't you just love the song??? haha!!

Before we left for the trip I had another Doctor appt. We were about 9 and a half weeks at the time. It was the coolest sonogram yet for me... the baby's hands and feet were movin' and groovin', I saw the umbilical cord for the first time and I could see his/her heart beat more clearly than before! Here is the sonogram...

Here are a couple pics for Aunt Summer and anyone else who wanted to see my growing belly... :)

Taken today at 11 weeks

Have a great weekend!!


The Fadells


  1. That video is GREATNESS!!!!!!!!! I love it! Tell Kyle he just moved up a notch in my book!
    Baby F...OMG so cute!!!! I love these next few u/s that you will get. You get to see this sweet little miracle just hanging out and growing so much every week. Your little bump is so cute!!!!!!
    Love you!

  2. Dear Kyle and Sara, just wanted to send a little note (big Matt gave me your blog spot address). The video of your little one is so amazing...he/she is just beautiful! I could not be more excited for the both of you :}:}. And Kyle, I have looked at the video of you boogie-ing at the Ozarks a number of just makes me laugh and feel good. Take care of all three of you! Love, Aunt Nanc in Vegas
