Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bye Bye 1st Trimester, Hello Hunger!

We visited the Dr. on Tuesday at 12 wks and 4 days. We got to see a lot more of baby this time because they did 3d and 4d sonograms to check for different things like down syndrome, etc. Baby Fadell is super healthy and right on track!! He/She is quite a wiggle worm and was busy busy busy during the entire visit. It's of course to early to tell the sex, but the Dr. did say she would be surprised if baby is not a boy based on the looks of his/her "parts" so far and how active the baby was. Only time will tell... we'll have a better idea in about a month or so, but can't tell for certain until about 20 weeks.
We won't bore you with all our videos, but here is just one...

It was so amazing to see that all this is happening every day and I can hardly feel a thing! They say you can't feel the baby until around 17-22 weeks, call me crazy but I really think I already feel the baby from time to time... I know there are a million other things it could be ;)

I'm still feeling great, no sickness, just cannot get enough food! I'm still pretty picky with my food, which I never was before pregnancy. My fav's this past week have been mac'n'cheese and fishsticks. I know it's not exactly full of nutrients, so I try to eat my fruits and veggies too... and hey, it's better than Little Caesar's pepperoni pizza which was my prior week's favorite meal! Chicken and I have a love-hate relationship lately and I'm not much into sweets. As always, some form of potatoes fit there way into my menu at some point throughout each day.

My belly hasn't really grown from my last post and if it's possible, I almost feel it has gotten smaller... my total weight gain for the first trimester was 3 lbs. As my belly grows, we'll post more pics. Our next Dr. appt. is not until November so I'll have another baby update then.

More exciting news this week...

CONGRATS TO MANDY & KJ WHO ARE ALSO EXPECTING!! We just found out that these dear friends are now 9 weeks pregnant! The best part... they just moved into their new house, which is now only a short 10 minutes or so away from us rather than 40 minutes! Congrats Bohns!!!!

CONGRATS TO THE MOLINAS!! Lucy & Daniel just found out that they are having ANOTHER GIRL!!!! They make some beautiful baby girls, that's for sure! Can't wait to meet the next one, due in February!

I have a twice baked potato and salad calling my name, so I'd better go :) Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. How cool to see your first little joy in 3D! We don't do one of those it looks cool. I'm glad things are going so well but I wouldn't expect it any other way, God is so good and I know you as well as your friends have been praying for a healthy pregnancy. Can't wait to meet little Fadell!
