Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Birthday shout outs to....

Cori is my dear friend who I just love so much. We met when we started working together almost 3 years ago and it turned out that we lived only 5 minutes from one another in the same city... this is pretty unusual in the DFW area because there are so many places to live, especially being that we worked in Las Colinas at the time, which is about 30 minutes from where we both live. From the first time Cori and I met we knew we would become life long friends. We both have very silly personalities and usually can't stop laughing when we're together... not to mention we both love the Lord and can spend hours chit chatting about every detail of our lives to one another like us women tend to do. Kyle and Cori's husband, Gabe, have become great friends and also spend a lot of time together playing basketball and doing whatever else it is that men do together ;o) We love this couple so much and are so thankful for their friendship!!
MISS MEGAN KING, soon to be Mrs. Cox!! JUNE 3rd!
Megan, Megan... where to begin! Megan and I went to middle school and high school together so have known each other for years. She has been one of my very bestest friends growing up and was also a bride's maid in our wedding. We haven't gotten to see much of each other in the past few years, but somehow when we get on the phone with each other it's like we never skipped a beat! Megan is getting married this coming September and I can't wait to see this beautiful bride walk down the aisle!!
My next door neighbor, friend and sister in Christ! I can't tell you how much I admire my precious friend, Lucy... her love for the Lord and devotion to living His way is such an inspiration. I believe with all my heart that God placed us next door to this amazing couple for a divine purpose. They have helped strengthen us in the Lord so much and we are always thankful for this relationship God gave us!

LAST BUT NOT LEAST... yes, I'm giving myself a birthday shout out as well... I'm turning 24 this Friday, JUNE 5th!

It has been a fun-filled birthday week already! Saturday night we celebrated Lucy's birthday at the surprise party Daniel threw for her at their house!

Sunday, Kyle and I cooked out for Cori's bday! Jeff, Jen and Xander came over to help us celebrate. Cori's hubby, Gabe, was a little under the weather so he had to miss the fun :( I have to share how adorable Kyle and Gabe's relationship is... Before Cori left our house to go back home, Kyle put together a little to-go bag of dinner for Gabe... chicken breast, turkey burger, green beans, corn and grilled zuchini. haha, so cute! Kyle just got a new grill this week so you can imagine how excited he is to share his grilled goods ;o)
Here are some pics from the wknd...
Mr. Xander Allgood.. he is getting to be such a big boy!

Check him out.. a true little man reclining on the sofa watching some cartoons ;o)

Birthday girls! (Cori and me)

About to blow out candles on our brownie bday cake! We love us some brownies!! Cori actually calls me "Brownie" as a nickname :)

Me and My Babes :o)

Yesterday, we had a celebration of birthdays at our office also! Cori and I are now working together again so the office staff threw a little lunch celebration for us and also for our co-worker, Lindsay who's bday is this Sunday, June 7th!

Well, laundry is calling my name so I'd better go... hope everyone has a super fabulous and fun week!!

One more thing: Pastor Morris's sermon this week was "The Father is Love". I thought it was a great message... click here to watch!

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