Monday, November 23, 2009

Baby is healthy and life is good!!

I'm in complete amazement right now by this little joy that's growing in my tummy...

This baby loves to worship already!! Tonight on my drive home from work I had Anthony Evans playing and when I pulled into the garage, I just knew I had to sing along to one more song before going inside, so I blasted How Great Is Our God, baby started moving and did not stop until the song was over... it was so powerful and amazing!! During worship at church, baby goes crazy in my tummy and makes praising our wonderful Creator so much more intense... it is seriously the most incredible feeling!! To think that this baby's spirit is already prompting him/her to dance for the Lord just melts my heart! Another of baby's favorites is Miriam Webster's Made Me Glad! Truly amazing!!!!

Our 16 wk appointment was great, other than baby was sleeping (or I like to think praying because he/she was kneeling on his/her knees) so we couldn't see anything... by "anything" I mean we weren't able to see if baby is a he or a she!! I was a little disappointed about that, but happy to see baby none the less ;-) Our sono pic was very blurry and hard to make out, otherwise I would've posted it :(
Right now, we are 19 wks and 3 days along. We have our 20 wk visit next Tuesday, Dec. 1st, and will get to start calling baby by name with confidence!! However, we both have a pretty good idea about the sex already and do call him/her by name most of the time ;-)

Since my last post the main changes have been my growing belly, feeling baby move, and that I'll pretty much eat anything and everything now... although am still not much into sweets.

What else has been happening lately...
Dad and Mom came for a weekend visit at the beginning of November and, as usual, it was a fun and relaxing time together! We watched lots of football, went shopping, and did lots of eating :) We finally got to take them to Babes Chicken and it was yummy delicious, of course!!

At Rockfish
Miami & KC played at the same time, so we had to bring down another tv ;-)
cookin' out
watchin' more football
just wanted to show off my handsome boys... ;-)
We celebrated Kyle's 26th birthday this week!! Thank you Father for my wonderful husband and for another happy, healthy year together! Looking forward to many more ahead! On Kyle's birthday, he was able to feel the baby for the first time! Pretty exciting!!
I'm not what you'd call a pro at cake designing, but I had fun making this anyway... boys will be boys...

Check out our cute little snowman family that sister Summer Lynn sent us for Christmas!! So adorable!! Thanks Summer, we love it and we love you ;-)

Baby and I are gonna finish up our yummy cup of DECAF hazelnut coffee and call it a night! We're praying blessings to fall on all of our family and friends and we are grateful for each one of you!!

Lots of Love,

Kyle, Sara, Itty Bitty Fadell, Milo and Chief

Philippians 4:4-9 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bye Bye 1st Trimester, Hello Hunger!

We visited the Dr. on Tuesday at 12 wks and 4 days. We got to see a lot more of baby this time because they did 3d and 4d sonograms to check for different things like down syndrome, etc. Baby Fadell is super healthy and right on track!! He/She is quite a wiggle worm and was busy busy busy during the entire visit. It's of course to early to tell the sex, but the Dr. did say she would be surprised if baby is not a boy based on the looks of his/her "parts" so far and how active the baby was. Only time will tell... we'll have a better idea in about a month or so, but can't tell for certain until about 20 weeks.
We won't bore you with all our videos, but here is just one...

It was so amazing to see that all this is happening every day and I can hardly feel a thing! They say you can't feel the baby until around 17-22 weeks, call me crazy but I really think I already feel the baby from time to time... I know there are a million other things it could be ;)

I'm still feeling great, no sickness, just cannot get enough food! I'm still pretty picky with my food, which I never was before pregnancy. My fav's this past week have been mac'n'cheese and fishsticks. I know it's not exactly full of nutrients, so I try to eat my fruits and veggies too... and hey, it's better than Little Caesar's pepperoni pizza which was my prior week's favorite meal! Chicken and I have a love-hate relationship lately and I'm not much into sweets. As always, some form of potatoes fit there way into my menu at some point throughout each day.

My belly hasn't really grown from my last post and if it's possible, I almost feel it has gotten smaller... my total weight gain for the first trimester was 3 lbs. As my belly grows, we'll post more pics. Our next Dr. appt. is not until November so I'll have another baby update then.

More exciting news this week...

CONGRATS TO MANDY & KJ WHO ARE ALSO EXPECTING!! We just found out that these dear friends are now 9 weeks pregnant! The best part... they just moved into their new house, which is now only a short 10 minutes or so away from us rather than 40 minutes! Congrats Bohns!!!!

CONGRATS TO THE MOLINAS!! Lucy & Daniel just found out that they are having ANOTHER GIRL!!!! They make some beautiful baby girls, that's for sure! Can't wait to meet the next one, due in February!

I have a twice baked potato and salad calling my name, so I'd better go :) Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lake Vacation and yes, another baby update!

On Tuesday, Kyle and I returned from our week long vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks! We had a wonderful time as usual. Gabe and Cori came along and we all had a blast together! We got lots of relaxation time, ate way too much yummy food, spent our days boating, and of course played several games of Pictionary!!
Here are some pics from the trip...
Miniature Golf

Our new boating shades ;)

The boys' cliff jumping escapades...

sporting our fancy new sunglasses

Horny Toad

the boys being goofs at Wobbly Boots where we watched the fights

This video was too hilarious to not post... sorry babes!! Enjoy... ;)

I married Kyle for his dancing skills, lol... and don't you just love the song??? haha!!

Before we left for the trip I had another Doctor appt. We were about 9 and a half weeks at the time. It was the coolest sonogram yet for me... the baby's hands and feet were movin' and groovin', I saw the umbilical cord for the first time and I could see his/her heart beat more clearly than before! Here is the sonogram...

Here are a couple pics for Aunt Summer and anyone else who wanted to see my growing belly... :)

Taken today at 11 weeks

Have a great weekend!!


The Fadells

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Baby Update

I last went to the Dr. on Thursday, Sept. 3rd... sorry I'm a little late on this post. Baby is still doing great! Tomorrow, we'll be 9 wks so at my last appointment we were 1 day shy of being 8 wks along. The baby was .98 cm or the size of a blueberry ;) This is double the size from the week prior and he/she's heart is still beating strong!!

My next appointment is this coming Tuesday, so I'll have more up to date info next week. I do know that baby should be nearing the size of a grape or large raspberry by now ;)

Here's last wk's sono

I'm still feeling wonderful overall, praise God! I've had more energy throughout the day recently and haven't been sick at all... I get the occasional icky feeling, but it could be much worse so I can't complain. I'm on a bit of an emotional roller coaster lately, but what else is new? I'm sensitive enough as it is, so the pregnancy has just intensified these emotions. I'm just thankful I have a husband who is extremely understanding and supportive no matter how much I wig out or cry at the drop of a hat... poor guy! The main thing I've noticed recently is my extreme indecisiveness on just about everything... I'm pretty much always hungry, but can never decide what to eat and once I do decide on something... I HAVE to get that something or I just don't want anything. I'm gonna say it... pregnancy does make us women a bit silly so I'm just praying for this pregnancy hormone silliness to stay under control as much as possible. Despite the indecisiveness... the one thing I do know is that we are so truly blessed, so all I can really feel right now is ever so grateful for this healthy growing baby!!!!

Sorry to have babbled on... tonight is the first NFL game of the season so I have a little extra time on my hands. Not to say that I'm not fully in tune to the game, of course.. wink wink!

I'll keep ya posted next week and I'll try to make it short and sweet... since I've bored you enough already!!

As always... Love to all and thank you for keeping us in your prayers, as you're also in ours!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


We had our first Doctor's appointment yesterday!! They did a sonogram so we got to see the baby and see its little heart fluttering!!!! There's a heart-beat! So amazing!! This is starting to become very real and so unbelievably exciting!
We are 6 weeks and 5 days along and the baby's due date is April 16th!! I'll go back to the Dr. next week for another sonogram and will keep everyone posted. Ok, I won't hold out on you any longer... Here is baby Fadell's first photograph!! hehehehehe ;)

Please continue to keep us in your prayers, we are very grateful! Love and blessings to all!

Eventful Weekend

Baby Mia Candita Allgood was born!!
August 20, 2009 at 11:27am, 6lbs. 14oz.

She's one beautiful baby! Congrats Allgoods on your newest addition!

Congrats to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Byman!! August 22, 2009 Omaha, NE

Me and My Wedding Date

Lakeside with the family...
Lucy, the fisherman ;)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Big News in the Fadell House!!

Yes, you guessed it...
There's a BABY on the way!!!!!

We found out on Saturday and are completely overjoyed! God's timing is so perfect... we haven't been trying, but we had been praying for our family to start in His perfect timing. My desire to have a baby had been growing strong and Kyle also has been looking forward to starting our family, but we wanted to leave things in God's hands and allow Him to tell us when the time is right........... well, here we are!! Apparently, He thinks we're ready! We couldn't be more excited and thankful for this precious gift that God has blessed us with!

Saturday, while Kyle was at work, I decided to take a pregnancy test because I'd felt a little off from how I normally would feel at "this time of the month" being that I was 5 days late at the time among other things. When the test came out positive I couldn't believe my eyes and was in complete shock. I knew I had to take another test immediately just to be sure the first test wasn't faulty ;) So, of course, I took a second test shortly after only to see a positive again! Wow, what an amazing feeling that overcame me... I literally did not know what to do with myself, especially since Kyle wouldn't be home from work for another 4 or 5 hours and I was dying to share this with him!

Here is what Kyle came home to on Saturday....

Kyle's reaction couldn't have been any more comforting and perfect in that moment... He walked through the door, saw the kitchen table, looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said you're pregnant! Almost as if he'd already known... it was such a peaceful and joyful reaction that brought so much comfort to my heart. We prayed together to thank the Lord for this beautiful gift, asked Him to bless our child, and neither of us have stopped smiling since!

I'm seeing the Dr. tomorrow morning to have blood work done and confirm how far along we are. I'll also schedule our first check up where we get to have our first ultrasound!

We're guessing the Dr. will say we're about 5 weeks along, which means the baby will be born some time in mid-April :)

At this point, I'm not having any morning sickness. The main symptom for me is hunger and slight nausea. My body needs food every 2-3 hours or I feel as if I haven't eaten in days. I've felt a little light-headed and tired from time to time, but overall I feel great!!

We will keep everyone posted as we find out more. Right now, we just ask for your prayers. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and wisdom for Kyle and me to parent our child in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.

Thank you and we love you all!!!! :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Three Year Wedding Anniversary Surprise!

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Fadell
August 5, 2006
One Year Wedding Anniversary at the Lake of the Ozarks
August 5, 2007
Two Year Wedding Anniversary in San Diego
August 5, 2008
Kyle and I just celebrated a third beautiful year of marriage on Wednesday, August 5, 2009! Once again, Kyle whipped out a wonderful surprise that I was not at all expecting... Tuesday night I hurried home after work so Kyle and I could get to his regular Tuesday night basketball game. We left for "the game" and as we were driving Kyle told me that we were actually headed on a road trip for an over night stay at a casino in Shreveport, LA! Shreveport is about a 3 hour drive. My first thought was woooohooooo, road trip and mini vacation!! Then I thought... wait a minute it's a Tuesday night, I have to work tomorrow! Turns out Kyle had secretly called my boss a few days prior to ask that I get the day off for our anniversary!! So we were on the road and I was back to the wooooohoooooing and then, hold on... I know I should have just been thrilled that I was getting swept away by my husband for a romantic getaway, but I couldn't help but wonder... what exactly did he pack for me to wear? Well, Mr. Perfect had truly thought of everything. He then gave me an anniversary gift! A beautiful purple cross necklace and a dress he had picked out and bought for me earlier that day... the dress had purple in it too, of course! The trip was a surprise enough in itself and then he went even beyond that by getting me a gift too!!
We got to the hotel around 11:30pm, got ready and hit the casino! We played blackjack, craps and a few slot machines! On our way back to our hotel room at 3am we grabbed some yummy food from the 24 hour deli in the hotel! The next morning we woke up just in time for the breakfast buffet! Before making our way back home to Texas, we had to hit up the casino once more ;) On our drive back we stopped at an outlet mall and did a little shopping, then Kyle had our anniversary dinner planned at Lake Ray Hubbard! We ate some delicious fajitas at a mexican restaurant on the patio over looking the lake. Kyle also brought our golf clubs and had looked into kayaking on the lake, but a thunder storm rolled in just as we finished our meal so we weren't exactly able to golf or kayak... at least he had a plan though! ;)
My sweet anniversary presents... Kyle did so good!

Anniversary Morning
Kyle's big Louisiana style breakfast!
notice my Louisiana style breakfast came in the form of a venti black coffee from starbucks... ;)
I had to try my luck at the "tabasco" slots, but was sadly disappointed to hit blanks every time :(
Our time in Louisiana coming to an end...
super yummo anniversary dinner!
the storm was rollin' in and our 24 hour vacation came to an end
I'll try not to get all mushy gushy on you, but I do have to say that I have one wonderful husband! He is my favorite person in the world and my best friend. I thank God every day for blessing our marriage the way that He has. I look forward to coming home from work to him each day, falling asleep together each night, and waking up to do it all over again the next day. I'm not saying that marriage is ALWAYS butterflies and birds chirping, because I'd be lying... I'm just thankful for God's favor in our marriage allowing us to enjoy each other's company the way we do and that when trial does come forth our team is strong enough to have the victory in the end! Ok, the last thing I'll say is that the happiness in our marriage does not come from our own strength and love for each other, but only by God's conviction, grace and the wisdom He gives us to be the husband and wife He created us to be for each other!
I'll leave you with this...
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Ephesians 5:22-33
Have a blessed weekend!!